Set the best plan for your commercial strategy

Identify the most effective commercial strategies across all business dimensions to drive market share and profitable revenue growth.

Flexible configuration 

Whether you need to plan top-down or bottom-up (or both), take advantage of Vulki’s flexibility to define the best configuration for your needs.
Consider all sources of commercial costs and revenues or focus only on specific areas of interest, it will always be possible to get the most accurate and consistent plan.

Powerful simulations  

Define alternative scenarios to identify the best plan aligned with strategic goals despite volatile and uncertain market conditions.
Analyze different scenarios based on multiple business assumptions for changing market conditions to estimate standard, best, and worse-case scenarios to project sales performances and budget coverage.
Continuously forecast sales performance to track Actuals-to-Budget and adjust operational strategies accordingly.

End-to-end approval workflows 

Manage custom workflow based on your business requirements including a robust submission and approval process across any organizational dimension in your business. 
Facilitate collaboration and track the status of business processes across many contributors and stakeholders. 

We help all departments involved to overcome the most important challenges

Sales & Marketing

Commit your business area to challenging but achievable sales goals and anticipate the countermeasures to incumbent changes keeping always the team focused and consistent.

Finance & Accounting

Improve financial performance by enhancing analytical insights with the help of AI and powerful simulation tools.

IT & Innovation

Centralize  relevant data sources and maximize the efficiency of planning processes that are scattered and out of control.

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Incentive & Performance