Optimize​ team performances

Understand the key drivers of your team’s performance and replicate success with the help of powerful AI-driven insights.

Flexible BI & performance reporting 

Take advantage of an easy-to-use interface to quickly and independently create reports, for all your strategic or operational needs. 
Provide each payee with a single dynamic dashboard to autonomously understand individual performance and find all relevant contractual and payout documentation. 
Easily integrate existing BI platforms to continue delivering the same user experience and enable users to work in a familiar environment. 

Flexible and comprehensive data mart

Manage all sales performance data in a single shared repository without having to collect unstructured and unharmonized data from multiple departments. 
Take full advantage of Vulki’s advanced data integration capabilities and turn a time consuming and often complex task into a quick and effortless one. 
Let the system grow with your business needs by extending Vulki’s standard data model with additional information from external and internal sources. 

Insightful AI-based analytics 

Take your analytics capabilities to full power with artificial intelligence algorithms that can reveal important hidden relationships and uncover new insights into your sales team’s performance.
Base your decisions on a data-driven, continuous learning, approach that can always put you one step ahead of the competition.

We help all departments involved to overcome the most important challenges

Sales & Marketing

Govern sales performances across markets and channels. Reach targets by understanding the key performance drivers and correlations.

Finance & Accounting

Improve financial performance by enhancing analytical insights with the help of AI and powerful simulation tools.

IT & Innovation

Centralize relevant data sources and maximize the efficiency of intelligence processes that are scattered and out of control.

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Incentive & Performance