Variable Compensation & MBO

management by objectives 

Recognize merit and keep your company’s talent engaged 

Manage your employees’ bonuses and MBOs without getting lost in their complexity.

Incentive plan definition

Align employees’ efforts to the overall corporate goals by defining challenging but achievable objectives.​
Manage a flexible and dynamic definition of quantitative and qualitative KPIs that can evolve in time as business needs change.
Enable HR to oversee a collaborative process for collecting KPI targets across departments with a configurable managed workflow.
Easily assign a set of KPIs and related weights and targets to each payee.

Incentive plan management 

Keep incentive costs always under control through continuous forecasting of projected payouts based on estimated KPI performance.
Automate complex payout calculations based on weighting of multiple KPIs managing gates, caps, indices, and payout percentage curves.
Manage adjustments and overrides to automatically calculated payouts with full traceability and auditability.

Communication management 

Communicate incentive plans to employees and managers and track employee acceptance of plans. 
Share results of incentive plans and employee payouts and track employee acceptance of these documents, all via configurable workflows. 

Performance and incentive analytics 

Track trends of individual and team performance over time.
Analyze the relationship between incentive cost and performance achieved across different teams.


Drive enterprise performance through
comprehensive Cross-functional incentive management

Case study Decathlon

…Using inadequate tools such as spreadsheets to manage the complex processes typical of an organisation such as ours had resented the way we managed short-term remuneration incentives and had made it inefficient. Regarding data security, we did not have the necessary peace of mind that an issue as important as the variable compensations for our collaborators entailed…

Alessandro D’Auria
Country HR Administration Manager

We help all departments involved to overcome the most important challenges

Human Resources

Develop, manage and pay variable compensation plans for all employees and collaborators.
Draw bonuses and MBOs that can really motivate the staff of the different departments, without limitation of complexity in the structure or KPI definitions.

Finance & Accounting

Fill the gap on labor costs estimations by integrating variable compensation component of all the employees.
Take full advantage of the automatic generation of accruals and deferrals, payments deadlines and accounting pre-processing.

IT & Innovation

Centralize relevant data sources and maximize the efficiency of variable compensation processes that are scattered and out of control.

Request a demo tour

Set quotas, design incentive plans, and manage daily activities to keep your sales force always motivated and engaged.