The Five Key Factors for Calculating the ROI of Promotions in Consumer Goods 

The ongoing challenges in the availability and prices of raw materials and energy is putting a strain on the entire social and economic fabric globally.

The production and distribution of FMCG is no exception. In addition to these inflationary pressures, important structural changes in the purchasing and consumption behaviour of customers are taking place.

In such a difficult environment, all commercial levers at the disposal of Consumer Goods (CG) companies must be meticulously orchestrated in order not to leave opportunities in the field that are becoming increasingly scarce.

Among the darts available to hit the sales department targets, the lever of promotions in the supermarket channel continues to be extremely sharp.

So how can we ensure that the important economic cost of sales promotions bring concrete results to CG producers? The answer lies in calculating the return on investment (ROI) of each promotional action, a concept as straightforward in words as it is difficult to see realised in practice.

Find out how in our e-book The 5 Key Factors for Calculating ROI of Promotions in Consumer Goods

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