Decathlon Italy – Akeron’s support in recognizing employees’ merit

How the leading sporting goods retailer successfully reduced by 80% the time devoted to managing variable remunerations


Each of the 6744 employees of Decathlon Italy receives, each month, a bonus linked to the performance of the specific shop they work in, whose ultimate aim is to enhance the autonomy and responsibility of each of them to achieve a common and shared objective.

The processing and disbursement of the award, however, had critical issues:

  • Opportunity cost
    Key customer satisfaction activities were systematically diverted from the many resources involved in manual calculation and control processes located locally
  • Security
    The systematic use of spreadsheets can lead to a significant amount of errors, as well as hindering the necessary traceability and security for company audits.
  • Tough management of peculiarities related to staff organisation
    The need for onerous premium calculations for both pre- and post-change periods was triggered by each change of job and/or point of sale of an employee. Similar difficulties also occurred with the correct definition of bonuses for new hires, where the calculation had to accrue only after an initial on-boarding phase of the resource.

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