From the partnership between Akeron and Balance, an integrated app with Salesforce Sales Cloud is born for the management of the incentive system of the sales network

Milan, Lucca, May 4, 2023: From the partnership between Akeron and Balance, a new application integrated with Salesforce Sales Cloud has been born to monitor and simulate the variable incentives of each individual seller. Today at the World Tour Milan, organized at MiCo by Salesforce, the global leader in CRM applications, Akeron and Balance are presenting in preview the new integrated solution, illustrating how it is possible to control the variable incentives achieved by individual sellers and how to simulate potential additional earnings related to future sales. Stimulating the sales force to sell more, increasing operational efficiency, and reducing disputes and errors are the benefits that will be presented today during the “Unleash your Sales Potential” session from 12:30 to 12:50 at Theatre A in MiCo.

From the definition and communication of an individual seller’s compensation plan to seamless payment processing, all the way to continuous monitoring with dedicated reports and dashboards: a single user interface for employees and agents (both mobile and desktop) that allows for a 360-degree management of the incentive processes integrated with Salesforce Cloud.

This marks the first step in the ambitious partnership journey between Akeron, the software company based in Lucca that develops modern applications capable of increasing productivity, managing, and enhancing corporate performance by putting people at the center of the processes, and Balance, a consulting firm that supports new business models through solutions based on established and emerging technologies, such as those offered by Salesforce Sales Cloud.

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