Manage players’ and coaching staff contracts in the best possible way, getting the most out of each transfer window

The success story of Juventus Football Club


In the professional football market, the buying and selling of players is the key activity through which sports clubs carry out their core business: profitably participate in national and international competitions to which they are able to access.

Given this intrinsic link between the purchase of a new player and the benefit that this is directly or indirectly able to bring to the club, it is not surprising that the contracts that revolve around the exchange of players and coaching staff provide for variable remuneration and remuneration linked to results.

Each new purchase, loan or sale of registered personnel therefore requires the ability to accurately manage the impact of relevant economic and financial values, with often complex conditions that need to be verified.

Faced with these needs, Juventus was facing technological limitations mainly attributable to:

  • Calculation of premiums and verification of conditions still linked to heavy manual activities;
  • Non-negligible probability of errors or non-recognition of conditional salaries;
  • Inability to carry out simulations and impact analyzes during the opening of the transfer window or on special occasions, such as an injury or shift in the cups.