3i adopts Akeron’s Project Business Automation solution to manage the entire life cycle of its projects.

3i Group offers integrated engineering, design, consulting and training services: both in the civil and industrial fields. 

Their  strength is the multidisciplinary nature of the skills and the effective integration of the different professionals that make up the group.


Reduction of the time spent on Personnel Management


Reduction of the time spent on management control


Control over the entire life cycle of the project


3i Group had the need to identify and adopt a complete and integrated software solution that, in addition to covering the entire life cycle of the project, would allow the real-time control of analytical accounting and the management of administrative processes and financial flows.

A solution capable of adapting to a multi-company stratified organization. 


Akeron’s solution was able to completely align itself with the logic used up to that moment by 3i in managing both internal and external processes. In particular, the project has evolved the organization of different areas, such as:

    • Management of the quotation process: the offers, processed through the module integrated with Ms Word, follow an approval workflow that involves several operators with different roles. Once the offer has been completed and sent, a special register is automatically updated, allowing the planning of commercial activities as well as possible follow-ups and the management of prospects.
    • Reporting of hours worked: the activities recorded in the diary are used both by the HR department for processing the time cards, and by management control to define costs and margins of individual orders.
    • Management of technical resources: the reservation requests of the company’s technical resources (in particular the vehicles) are sent via an automatic system to the secretariat, which collects and assigns the vehicles based on different parameters (availability, time of use, distance, etc.) . This also guarantees the regular maintenance and safety of vehicles and personnel. It is possible to integrate this process with the  tracking of mileage by vehicle / operator, in order to manage analytical accounting also in relation to the cost of using the vehicles.
    • Single register of purchases: a single register, available for the administration and accessible to the heads of the various divisions, allows the control and quick approval of payments, in order to monitor external costs in real time.
    • Analytics: access to updated data on turnover, times and hours that allow the accurate analysis of the cost centers of each project.

Another distinctive element of 3i’s solution is “3i Enterprise”, a function implemented ad hoc and integrated with the TeamSystem Gamma management system. It allows the visualization of payment deadlines and the forwarding of email messages with reminders thus improving the company’s control of open receivables from customers.


Akeron’s solution brought several benefits, such as:

  • Structuring and digitization of business processes;
  • Registration of time spend and request for reimbursement of expenses in real time, thanks to the use of the dedicated App;
  • Real-time analysis of costs and margins;
  • Abandonment of paper documentation with consequent reduction of human error;
  • Timeliness in the management of the credit recovery process, thanks to the provision of automated alerts for the reminder of payments.


“Thanks to Akeron Project Business Automation we have been able to significantly reduce management problems, as well as simplify every single business process. “
Maria Pia Don Vito

Administration and Accounting Manager

The value of Akeron Project Business Automation did not end only by responding comprehensively to the specific needs of the individual companies of the group, but was expressed in particular in the ability to collect all data and processes in a single integrated system.

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